发布日期:2020-04-15 15:32 点击次数:





Africa 100项目中的中非神经外科培训项目及各中方培训医院联合资助,8位非洲神外医生在中国正在开展为期4年的神经外科专科培训。在中国有效的防控措施下,他们的生命安全得到有力保障,并为他们的祖国同胞不断分享中国的治疗经验,他们是两国友谊的桥梁,更是建立人类命运共同体的见证者。

Africa 100 项目参与神经外科专培医院名单(排序按专培学员姓名首字母):

Ali Rajab Jecha 武汉协和医院

Augustine K. Ballah 暨南大学第一附属医院

Dan Taracha 宁夏医科大学总医院

Felix Nyatigo Nyang'wechi中山大学第一附属医院

Isabella Opoku  首都医科大学宣武医院 中国国际神经科学研究所(China-INI

Lamin Janneh 中国医科大学沈阳第一附属医院

Masra Ngarmbayeh 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院


Isabella Opoku

 Isabella Opoku神经外科

来自加纳,在巴西巴伊亚联邦大学获得医学学位,于2018年来到首都医科大学宣武医院神经外科 中国国际神经科学研究所(China-INI),进行为期四年的神经外科专科医师规范化培训。疫情期间,一直在中国居家学习,在专培医院安排下在家进行文献阅读,在线课程及科研训练等



There is an old adage that when rumors get to the ears of a wise person it ends there.

 Conspiracy theorists have been so busy making hay of the virus.

People should be encouraged to share facts not rumors.

A toxic mixture of limited information and fake news spread by the public on social media

in this age of interconnectedness causes misinformation about the  coronavirus to outpaced

its spread, reaching millions of people around the world in a flash. The spread of misinformation is

already commonplace on social media where the sharing of content from biased sources frequently

outpaces whatever fact-checking and moderation safeguards are in place.

I hope that this time would strengthen solidarity around the world and help us all fortify

fraternity towards a common goal of fighting this Pandemic.



Augustine K. Ballah

 Augustine K. Ballah 神经外科



There were those moments of fear at first degree but we have continue to work with courage  and assuring our family,

relatives and friends at home that we are keeping safe.

Because of the outbreak the admission procedure has being very strict even for emergency cases.

Therefore, we have experienced drop in our patients load but it has not been a vacation for me.

Relatively, in February apart from all the other clinical work we had 3-5 emergency surgeries on

average per week and 5-7 emergency surgeries per week this March.

The conspiracy theories have done nothing but create fear, rumors and prejudices that jeopardize the

global collaboration in the fight against the virus.

在中国广州的利比亚神经外科外科医生 节选

Lamin Janneh

Lamin Janneh神经外科




From a personal point of view during the epidemic, l was leaving in Shenyang,

a city located at Northeast of the country.

The COVID-19 outbreak was my first experience to be in a country with an epidemic,

fear of course is a human instinct which we do encounter during crisis.Curiously,

as l stood and grazed through the window of my flat the busy streets of this beautiful and

vibrant city were deserted, no more fleet of cars and sea of heads except for a few.The support from family,

friends, the International Student Center and Neuro- Surgical Department of the China Medical University was commendable.

COVID-19 doesn’t know borders, race, gender, age, or status.

What is vivid is it’s a zoonotic infection that affects humans.


Masra Ngarmbayeh

Masra Ngarmbayeh神经外科



The Covid-19 is an epidemic which panics the whole world, what I remember of this epidemic is the courage,

the solidarity,the team spirit of all the Chinese people.

Thank you for  their hard working that they have so far been able to master and control the Covid19.

The Chinese people are excellent and we have mastered the Covid-19.

The whole world will talk about them and we who are here during this crisis will remember fondly

China and Chinese people. 




于几内亚Gamal Abdel Nasser Conakry大学获得医学博士学位,目前于复旦大学附属华山西院进行神经外科住院医师培训。疫情期间,一直在中国坚守岗位,参与临床工作,目前健康状况良好。


Covid -19:一个非洲医生经历了另一场比埃博拉还要严重的Covid-19传染病。然而,这并非一个人的战斗,是全世界对病毒共同的抗争。我作为志愿者目睹了这一切,目睹了人们的勇气与善良

藏头诗:COVID OUT CHINA(在中国消灭新冠肺炎病毒)

Because fighting it is not the work of a doctor only but rather the people as a whole to fight

this epidemic which has become a pandemic to date, in order to improve human health on earth,

developed and underdeveloped countries must take collective responsibility for reaching an

agreement on the eradication of this pandemic.

At my level I was every day to go and go as volunteers to help Wuhan because I had the faith and the

strength to fight this virus. but Alas I managed to participate in my locality to invert myself to improve

some very concrete basic elements that I had learned in my country during the Ebola crisis facing any

kind of epidemic for the management of the crisis to know (Classic 3M) Mask -Hand -Disease (Distance)

—一个非洲医生经历了另一场比埃博拉还要严重的Covid 19传染病节选

Ali Rajab Jecha

Ali Rajab Jecha神经外科





To be honest, all credits are absolutely deserved to Chinese government for its

immediate response on the matter, for providing cares, and basic needs to us and on

control efforts taken toward the epidemic control. In deed we are much grateful to

Chinese government and Chinese people. 

Should be no racism , xenophobic or discrimination remarks or gestures to any ethnic

groups of Chinese people or Asians , they cannot be the scapegoats for outbreak because

according to WHO report , the outbreak of COVID-19 in outside China has no epidemiological

links to China as the infected people in other countries have no history of traveling to China.


Felix Nyatigo Nyang'wechi

Felix Nyatigo Nyang'wechi 神经外科




Dan Taracha

Dan Taracha神经外科



As Corona Virus Disease (COVID–19) spreads around the globe, so does misinformation.

Many questions about the virus and the disease remain unanswered. Using Laymen language,

the writer of this article has done efforts to educate and protect the global community.

Separating facts from rumors and myths, that seem to be more lethal that the Virus itself.

点击附件,查看Dan Taracha为大家总结的疫情期间辟谣科普英文原文



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